Follow the adventures of Benjamin Meerkat, George Monkey, Samuel Warthog and Sophie Giraffe, four young animals who discover friendship, fun and excitement on the wide, grassy plains of Africa.
These tales are written to be read aloud to younger children or for early readers
to read themselves.
Ideal for children aged 4 -8 years and
yours for just £7.99
This is my first book and was inspired by my four grandchildren, Benjamin, George, Samuel and Sophie and a love of Africa. When Benjamin and Samuel were both under three, my son and his wife moved to Botswana and my love for Africa grew.
As I dozed on a coach journey from Nottingham to London following the birth of Sophie, my fourth grandchild, the idea for a story germinated and by the time I returned home to Sevenoaks, the first chapter was written. When I retired and during lockdown I found myself with time to
finish off the project.
Every children's book needs beautiful illustrations and when I was introduced to Googie I knew I had found the person who could bring the tales to life as I had imagined them and my first book was complete.
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